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Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Instal Windows3.1 di symbian s60v3 atau up(lancar agan-agan udah ku coba kok)

kali ini saya akan share tentang bagaimana sih install windows 3.1 di symbian
persyaratanya harus memakai nokia symbian versi s60v3 ataupun yang ke atas
langsung saja mulai download dulu software

DOWNLOAD DOXBox v0.72 for Symbian
DOWNLOAD Windows 3.1 (English) for Symbian
DOWNLOAD Windows 95
DOWNLOAD Windows 98
DOWNLOAD guide pack

Windows 3.1

For win3.1:
1-Download Dosbox and install it.
2-Download win3.1 and archive it in memory card & run dosbox.

goto memory card and finddosbox.conf & edit it in notepad :

for run Windows 3.1 :

# Loader 1 -- Windows 3.1
# mount a e:\Data\win31\ (To install more drivers)*
mount c e:\Data\
mount d e:\
# Loader 2 -- Norton Commander 5.0
# mount c e:\Data\
# mount d e:\
# c:
# c:\nc\nc.exe

TO install new drivers you need tu put Windows 3.1 installer files to e:\Data\win31 directory.
Edit 'dosbox.conf' file and remove '#' in 'mount a e:\Data\win31\' line

Windows 95

unpack file in memory card in data folder.
run dosbox and wait 2 auto setup and run windows.

Windows 98

Edit dosbox.conf for win98:

Imgmount c e:\cdos\win98\w98.img -t hdd -fs fat -size 512,63,16,518
Boot -l c
copy w98.img in e:\cdos\win98\
for change small font go2: control panel>display>appearance nie kalo belum jelas liat postingan sebelumnya disini

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